Felipe Varela Carvalho - Meeting Facilitator

My name is Felipe Varela Carvalho and I am senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State. My areas of interest are Signal processing, Image Processing and Machine Learning. I plan on going to graduate school after completing my undergraduate studies and to be able to work with the development on new technologies.
Matthew Bahr - Report Manager

My name is Matthew Bahr and I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State with an emphasis on both power systems and control systems. After graduating I plan on working in the power industry, specifically with renewable energy systems.
Joshua Welton - Meeting Scribe

My name is Joshua Welton, and I am currently a senior studying Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University. I am specializing in controls, and I am currently applying to graduate school for controls engineering so I can have a career in control design.
Matthew McDermott - Test Engineer

My name is Matthew McDermott. I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State with a focus on power systems. After graduating, I plan to work in the power transmission or distribution fields.
Michael Ostrow - Chief Engineer: Microcontrollers

My name is Michael Ostrow. I am a Computer Engineering senior here at Iowa State, and I am focusing on microcontrollers and embedded systems. After graduation I hope to work in embedded systems and how they relate to the Internet of Things.
Leonardo Bertoncello Machado - Chief Engineer: Circuit Design

My name is Leonardo Bertoncello Machado. I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University with interests in Power Systems and Semiconductors. My plan is to get a Master's degree after my Bachelor's and work in the field of Renewable Energies.